I’m Eden
I like reimagining interactive ways to drink piña coladas and making back-up plans in the case of rain. My love language is designing spaces, writing concept decks and crafting spreadsheets. I like long walks through an overnight install, and I love to travel for site visits. My happy place is ordering vendor samples and color matching Pantone swatches. I’m always looking for like minded souls to create meaningful, interactive experiences with.

Eden Lew is an experiential designer for museum exhibits, events, brand
activations, retail pop-up shops and more. Her BFA in Design from
University of Texas at Austin and MFA from Products of Design at the
School of Visual Arts is an interdisciplinary background of visual
design, strategy, product design, branding and architecture. She spent
her last year in graduate school crafting a
thesis about criminal mastery and design.
In 2018, she co-founded the experiential studio
Double Take Labs with creative technologist Josh Corn at NEW INC, the
New Museum’s Art and Technology Incubator. For 5 years, they designed
and produced physically interactive technology and concepts for
exhibits, retail stores and experiences. Now Eden is designing
experiential spaces, pop-ups and events with various agencies
and teams.
Eden has also worked various roles with amazing teams such as: an
environmental graphic designer at Gensler an illustrator and packaging
designer for Bark, a brand strategist at Pentagram, and a senior
experience designer at agencies like David Stark Design and STAMP Co.
In her free time, she likes to watch heist movies, draw robots, throw
experimental dinner parties, train as a figure skater and transpose
beginner air guitar skills onto an actual electric guitar.